#Selected text color css how to
#Selected text color css code
The above CSS has a color code that matches this site. Note: This CSS works on all browsers and never combine the above CSS in which you won’t see the results. Save changes and now select a portion of text in your site and see the selected text highlight color. If your theme supports custom CSS then add the following CSS in your theme custom CSS field. Clear the checkbox for any enabled COM add-ins.

At the bottom of the dialog box, change the Manage dropdown to COM add-ins, and select Go.
#Selected text color css update
Login to your wordpress dashboard and go to appearance > editor and add the following CSS in stylesheet (style.css) and update file. If background color of selected text appears grey, then re-start Word in normal mode, check if you have any custom add-ins installed in Word, click File > Options > Add-Ins. Only a few CSS properties can be applied to the ::selection selector: color, background, cursor, and outline. Change default text selection highlight color in wordpress The ::selection selector matches the portion of an element that is selected by a user. For those who don’t have this option you can change the default text selection color by adding a simple CSS trick. Some wordpress theme has the option to override this default text selection highlight color in order to match your theme. Here we will see how to change the default text selection highlight color in wordpress. Giving a little detail to the text selection highlight color by matching it to your theme will really attract your visitors. One thing that comes by default and can be seen mostly on all sites is the text selection highlight color which is sky blue. In order to catch and attract visitor’s eyes your site color and design should be outstanding as well as unique than others. Colors matters the most when it comes to web design.